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Concept, design and realization

WEB2NET - IT Solutions for your Business
Via Val d'Anna 1 - 39046 Ortisei di Val Gardena (BZ)
Alto Adige - Dolomites - Italy
VAT Number: IT02392100216

Telephone: +39 0471 797139
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Although we have carefully checked the content of this website, and the information provided on it, we offer no guarantee, and take no responsibility for its completeness and accuracy. We retain the right to update, amend, and add to the existing information, without prior warning. We take no responsibility for the content of external links. The sites to which we offer links are exclusively the responsibility of those providing them.

Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution

Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution (ODR):

Web Analytics – Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service offered by Google Inc. (Google) Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files that are stored on your computer and that enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website in order to compile reports about the website activities for the website operator and in order to render further services associated with using the website and the Internet. If necessary, Google may also transfer this information to third parties, provided that this is legally mandated or to the extent that third parties process these data on behalf of Google. Google will never connect your IP address with other data of Google Inc. You can prohibit the installation of cookies by adjusting the corresponding setting in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that in this case it may not be possible to fully utilize all of the functions of this website. By using this website you agree to the processing of data collected about you by Google in the manner described above and for the purpose stated above.

Partner sites
Privacy - Personal data statement



The english translation will be available soon. Please check out the italian privacy page.


Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?
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Our website uses the following types of cookie:

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Functional cookies
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Cookie Policy

How can you manage your cookie preferences?

Internet Explorer

1. Open the "Tools" menu
2. Select "Internet Options"
3. Open the "Security" tab
4. Choose the "Internet" zone
5. Identify the security level "High" for this zone
6.Click "OK"

More information


1. Open the "Edit" menu
2. Choose "Preferences"
3. Open "Privacy & Security"
4 Choose "Cookies"

More information

Google Chrome

1. Open the "Menu" (icon) on the toolbar
2. Choose "Settings"
3. Open "Advanced Settings"
4. Go to the "Privacy" section and click on "Content Settings"
5.In the "Cookies" section, you can choose how cookies are used when you browse using Chrome

More information:


1. Click on "Safari" at the menu bar and select the "Preferences" option
2. Click on "Security"
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4. To disable cookies: In the "Accept cookies" section select "Never"

More information

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